Incredible Tree Bark Wedding Band


Incredible texture and detail set this band apart as a work of art! This organic wedding band features grooves and raised sections that combine to create an amazing tree bark design straight out of nature. Masterful finishing work with texture and polish complete this detailed ring.
You can request a custom image for any color combination

Build Your Ring


You’ll be quite taken by our simple custom design process, dedication & our money-back satisfaction guarantee.

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Notes From Our Wonderful Clients

  • “I finally received the ring about an hour ago and the only thing I can say is, Oh My GOD! The ring looks amazing, fantastic and any other word found in the thesaurus. The quality is incredible and I'm almost too excited for her to see it, I'm not sure if i can wait for the "right moment" to actually ask her rather than just pulling it out like, "HEY LOOK! ”
    client photo Lou S. Sumper, SC  USA
  • “WE LOVE KRIKAWA!!!!! We just cannot get over how beautiful the designs are and how perfect the products are!!!! We are HUGE fans! We drove from Parker Colorado just to see the products in person - we could not believe that they would be as beautiful in person as on the website - but we were not disappointed!!!! Everything you guys touch is wonderful!!! Thank you! ”
    client photo Michelle and Clay B. Parker, CO  USA