Alexandrite is actually a variety of chrysoberyl. It has a hardness of 8.5, and excellent toughness. It has no cleavage (the tendency to fracture when hit). It is resistant to chemicals, heat and light, so it is a very stable gemstone. It is usually not treated or enhanced, although it can have inclusions, and sometimes fracture-filling. Be sure to purchase your special gem from a member of the AGTA, who is voluntarily bound by contract to disclose all treatments on gemstones (such as Krikawa).

Alexandrite History
This unique gemstone was discovered in 1830 in Russia. Having the colors of the Russian Empire, red and green, Alexandrite was named after Czar Alexander II on his coming of age.

Alexandrite Rarity
The original source of alexandrite was in the Ural Mountains of Russia, and that mine is now long closed, as it contained only a small pocket of fine gems. Other small pockets have been found Zimbabwe, Sri Lanka, and Brazil. Unfortunately, gems from these mines exhibit poor to only moderate color change. A more recent find in Brazil has produced a fair sized yeild of fine color change gemstones, making this gorgeous stone again available to the interested collector.
Even with the opening of this mine in Brazil, fine gem quality alexandrite remains extremely rare and expensive. Many fine alexandrites can be found in period jewelry, however there are new loose fine gemstones available.
Even with the opening of this mine in Brazil, fine gem quality alexandrite remains extremely rare and expensive. Many fine alexandrites can be found in period jewelry, however there are new loose fine gemstones available.

Alexandrite for Engagement Rings
Because of the great hardness of alexandrite at an 8.5, it is considered very good for every day wear. Interested in an alexandrite for your engagement ring? We can also source lab grown alexandrite for your dream ring. Contact us today for your special stone, or search our database of Alexandrites to see a small sampling of what's available.

Start your Alexandrite journey by finding the perfect stone!
Start with a mounting and then add a stone!
Any Krikawa ring can feature an Alexandrite as its center stone! Browse our portfolio for an existing style or start your custom journey:
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Check out some of our favorite Alexandrite rings below! (Each mounting and center stone are sold separately.)