Twist AND WEAVE Engagement Rings

Intertwined Together We Now Are One


Our Twisted Wedding Bands feature two threads of precious metal twisted together into a unique engagement ring. Choose your metals, stones, and design details. Fully customizable, made-to-order, and guaranteed perfect, Krikawa’s Twist Engagement Rings are handmade and unmatched in quality. Design your very own today!

To twist is to combine or intertwine, to couple or wind together. Two distinct parts are married to form a new unique shape. And yet, all parts remain true, subtly realigned into a harmonious whole. This duality is the transformation of love, a marrying of two distinct parts and the new shape that emerges. Learn more about stone setting types to customize the perfect twist engagement rings. 

Gorgeous Engagement Rings


Your Engagement Ring

You’ll be quite-taken by our simple custom design process, dedication and a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

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