Floral Bouquet Engagement Ring with Purple Sapphire


A beautiful variation of the Floral Bouquet Engagement Ring. This work of art was customized with complementary two-tone metals. Centered are a unique sapphire halo and an iconic center stone. Flowers cascade over each other as they gather towards this cushion halo. The band has a delicate twist to showcase beauty and grace.

Shown in 14k yellow gold with 14k rose gold flowers. Centered is a 1-carat purple sapphire with a pink sapphire halo.
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Notes From Our Wonderful Clients

  • “Your designs are hands down, and far and away, the ones a girl could look at on her hand for the rest of her blissfully married life.”
    client photo Traci H. Springfield, MA  USA
  • “I was blown away when I actually got to see and hold my ring, it surpassed how I imagined it would be. It is absolutely exquisite. The whole process of ordering the ring and sizing even though I am in Scotland could not have been easier. Every query was answered and I can not thank you and everyone involved enough for the ease and engaging manner in which you dealt with me. Again, the ring is beautiful and I cannot wait to wear it from my wedding day onwards as it is a very special ring for a very special occasion. ”
    client photo Donna M. Preswick, Ayrshire  Scotland