Floral Bouquet Marquise Engagement Ring


Set in an enchanting bouquet of flowers is this classically romantic engagement ring. The marquise center stone adds a nice shape, contrasting with the various florals giving texture to the piece. Choose colored side stones for a fresh look! The band is 2.5mm wide at the palm.

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Notes From Our Wonderful Clients

  • “I received the ring yesterday, much earlier than I anticipated; thank you for you're help. The packaging was great, but the ring was stunning! I wanted to give my sincere thanks to you, Jackie, (and those I didn't get to meet,) for creating this beautiful ring. Thank you all so much! ”
    client photo Blaine T. Coquitlam, BC  Canada
  • “Just wanted you and the rest of the crew at Krikawa to know that the rings arrived here in the U.K. safe and sound. You guys really exceeded my expectations; the rings look amazing. Thank you so much for providing such quality work. I'll be sure to recommend Krikawa to anyone I know that is in the market for that little something exceptional. ”
    client photo Dale S. Armed Forces, deployed