Cascading Diamond Floral Halo Engagement Ring


A lush bouquet of roses cascades from this fabulous engagement ring. Each petal is detailed with lacy millegrain accents and pave stones. The two-toned ring includes carved curls and roses framed by cascading diamonds. Centered in the bouquet is a bright diamond halo holding a remarkable stone of your choice. The band is 2.5mm width at the palm.

Shown in platinum and 14k rose gold with 1-carat oval sapphire.
You can request a custom image for any color combination
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  • Get a perfect fit with our sizing rings!

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You’ll be quite taken by our simple custom design process, dedication & our money-back satisfaction guarantee.

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Notes From Our Wonderful Clients

  • “I'm very appreciative for the quick responses and information [on my repair]. Besides her great work and wanting to support an independent artisan, another reason I chose Lisa for purchasing a wedding ring was the level of comfort and personal care I felt when dealing with her. I'm glad to see that I still feel that way even though she has expanded her business (I bought the ring when Lisa's shop was still in the little [studio] behind her actual house). Thanks again.”
    client photo Sam W. Seattle, WA  USA
  • “I was blown away when I actually got to see and hold my ring, it surpassed how I imagined it would be. It is absolutely exquisite. The whole process of ordering the ring and sizing even though I am in Scotland could not have been easier. Every query was answered and I can not thank you and everyone involved enough for the ease and engaging manner in which you dealt with me. Again, the ring is beautiful and I cannot wait to wear it from my wedding day onwards as it is a very special ring for a very special occasion. ”
    client photo Donna M. Preswick, Ayrshire  Scotland