Floral Bouquet Light Engagement Ring


Elevate your proposal with our nature-inspired masterpiece, the Floral Bouquet Light Engagement Ring! Delight your love with the fusion of blossoms and gemstones, meticulously handcrafted. The exquisite detailing, from the prong-set center stone to textured roses and daisies, captures nature's essence—a symbol of your unique love.

The band is 2.5mm width at the palm.

Shown in 14k rose gold and 10k green gold, with 1-ct oval sapphire and diamond accents. 
You can request a custom image for any color combination
engagement ring graphic
  • Select metals for pricing and colors!
  • Schedule a free appt for design changes!
  • You'll get your own design consultant!
  • Get a perfect fit with our sizing rings!

diamond graphic

Select Your Center Stone

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You’ll be quite taken by our simple custom design process, dedication & our money-back satisfaction guarantee.

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Notes From Our Wonderful Clients

  • “I received the ring this morning. Just wanted to say that I am extremely pleased with the result. I will definitely recommend your business to my friends. Thanks very much for a painless buying experience. ”
    client photo Louis V. Cambridge, MA  USA
  • “I received my ring a couple weeks ago & was very satisfied w/ the outcome. After I had examined it, I was very happy & amazed w/ the details. It was exactly what I had expected & you guys do your jobs well. Thank you for providing me w/ an unforgettable gift. My fiance & I are a really simple couple & the ring totally represents who we are. Again, thank you & hopefully we'll be able to do business again. ”
    client photo Joseph P. Stockton, CA  USA