Vintage Millegrained Eternity Wedding Band


An eternity of diamonds dazzles with vintage accents. To enhance its allure, the band is meticulously hand-rolled with millegrain detailing, crafting a timeless and refined finish that radiates elegance.

Shown in platinum with pave lab diamonds. 
You can request a custom image for any color combination

Build Your Ring


You’ll be quite taken by our simple custom design process, dedication & our money-back satisfaction guarantee.

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Notes From Our Wonderful Clients

  • “I've been looking forward for the arrival of the ring and it finally arrived this afternoon at 1630hrs Singapore time. The ring is awesome and it's beautiful beyond description. Over dinner earlier with my family members, I've proposed to my fiancée and she had accepted my proposal to be her life partner. I would like to say a very big heartfelt Thank You to you and team Krikawa for making this special moment in my life possible. ”
    client photo Freddie L. Singapore,   Singapore
  • “I received the ring on Monday. Thank you very much I am very impressed with it and it is quite beautiful. Thank you for making it for me. ”
    client photo Shane M. Vancouver, BC  Canada