Summer Mokume Wedding Band


Our Summer mokume formula has 22 karat yellow gold, 14 karat white gold (medium gray) and sterling combined to create a rich yellow gold contrasted with a medium gray. Best with an etch to delineate the contrasting colors.

  • Choose your metal in the dropdown below for pricing and colorizing
  • Comfort fit, with perfect sizing using our unique method
  • Proudly designed and handmade in Tucson Arizona
  • See below for inscriptions, turnaround time, and shipping
You can request a custom image for any color combination

Build Your Ring


You’ll be quite taken by our simple custom design process, dedication & our money-back satisfaction guarantee.

Money-back Satisfaction Guarantee seal

Notes From Our Wonderful Clients

  • “The ring arrived today and is beautiful! Thank you (and all the Krikawa team) for your excellent work and service during the process. ”
    client photo Nick P. Aurora, IL  USA
  • “I received the ring yesterday, much earlier than I anticipated; thank you for you're help. The packaging was great, but the ring was stunning! I wanted to give my sincere thanks to you, Jackie, (and those I didn't get to meet,) for creating this beautiful ring. Thank you all so much! ”
    client photo Blaine T. Coquitlam, BC  Canada