Mountain Bear Buffalo Wedding Band


Natural beauty abounds on this hand-carved mountain wedding band. Among the Yosemite Valley Mountains and Devil's Tower are a buffalo and bear figure. In the mokume gane sky are figures of a crescent moon and a soaring eagle. The hand-carving and attention to detail make this ring a true work of art that you will wear every day. Create the perfect landscape on your wedding band! Explore other mountain wedding band styles for inspiration. 
You can request a custom image for any color combination

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You’ll be quite taken by our simple custom design process, dedication & our money-back satisfaction guarantee.

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Notes From Our Wonderful Clients

  • “I received my ring a couple weeks ago & was very satisfied w/ the outcome. After I had examined it, I was very happy & amazed w/ the details. It was exactly what I had expected & you guys do your jobs well. Thank you for providing me w/ an unforgettable gift. My fiance & I are a really simple couple & the ring totally represents who we are. Again, thank you & hopefully we'll be able to do business again. ”
    client photo Joseph P. Stockton, CA  USA
  • “Just wanted you and the rest of the crew at Krikawa to know that the rings arrived here in the U.K. safe and sound. You guys really exceeded my expectations; the rings look amazing. Thank you so much for providing such quality work. I'll be sure to recommend Krikawa to anyone I know that is in the market for that little something exceptional. ”
    client photo Dale S. Armed Forces, deployed