Dragon Lord Diamond Wedding Band


If you possess a taste for opulence and sophistication, our exquisite and commanding ring might be your perfect match. Adorning the top surface are two rows of dazzling diamonds and meticulously bezel-set gemstones. This band boasts a four-sided profile, ensuring a unique design, yet maintains a round and comfortable fit on the interior. Explore other designs like our dragon wedding bands for more inspiration. 

Pricing includes the round accents stones.

Princess cut stones priced separately. 

You can request a custom image for any color combination

Build Your Ring


You’ll be quite taken by our simple custom design process, dedication & our money-back satisfaction guarantee.

Money-back Satisfaction Guarantee seal

Notes From Our Wonderful Clients

  • “I received the ring on Monday. Thank you very much I am very impressed with it and it is quite beautiful. Thank you for making it for me. ”
    client photo Shane M. Vancouver, BC  Canada
  • “Just wanted to tell you that I love our ring. It is gorgeous, fits well and feels substantial. Love it, love it, and did I say I love it. I can't wait for Don to see it. ”
    client photo Linda R. Olalla, WA  USA