Should your wedding rings match?

Nov 26, 2019

Wedding Sets: Should Your Rings Match?

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Couples put a lot of love and consideration into choosing—or designing—an engagement ring. You deserve an outstanding engagement ring; it represents the spark of love that inspired your commitment to marriage, and will carry on through the years ahead. That spark is so important to keep alive and cherish, but marriage is built on a great deal more. This is why both members of a couple traditionally wear wedding bands, as a commemoration of the commitment itself. These bands should not be some afterthought, but rather the cornerstones of a complete work of art crowned by the engagement ring.

Conceiving of their wedding and engagement rings as elements in a wedding set, couples will usually choose to match them aesthetically to some extent. Precisely how the rings match, and to what degree, is a matter entirely down to the preference of the couple getting married. There’s no right or wrong answer, it’s all about what feels right!

In this article, I will look at some of the ways that the rings in a wedding set can match. While an engagement ring and two wedding bands comprise the typical wedding set, both promise rings and men’s engagement rings grow in popularity with every season—and we at Krikawa love the challenge of creating an expansive suite! I’ll focus on the traditional three-ring set here, but you can easily apply the same principles to a larger set.

Who Chooses? And When?

A wedding band can be matched to the engagement ring at a couple of points in the design process. When the engagement ring is given as a surprise, the purchaser may opt to buy matching wedding bands at the same time—either both of them, or just the one that accompanies the engagement ring. This allows the rings to be designed, and presented, as a cohesive set.

wedding bandsAlternatively, the partner who gave the ring may defer to the other on the wedding band design. This allows both partners to contribute to the set’s final design, which can be especially meaningful if the standalone wedding band is given a unique design.

Of course, total surprise engagements are less common than they used to be. If a couple plans their engagement together, then they may either purchase all three rings at once, or leave choosing the bands closer to the wedding date. The former option allows the engagement ring itself to be designed with a view to accompanying a wedding band, while the latter allows the couple to consider each ring on its own terms. The best approach will, as always, be the one that simply “feels right!”

Straight or Contoured

Whether or not the proposal is a surprise, the accompanying wedding band can match the engagement ring in any way that the design allows. The only caveat regards the shape of the wedding band. Some engagement rings have a completely straight profile, which allows a straight wedding band to sit flush beside it. More common though is a curved engagement ring; this presents the wearer with a decision—either to wear a contoured wedding band, which curves alongside the engagement ring, or to wear a straight wedding band that leaves some negative space between it and the engagement ring.

curved and straight wedding bandPairing a curved engagement ring with a straight wedding band is the perfect aesthetic choice for some—in fact, it’s the choice that I myself made! You will, however, want to make sure that it is a conscious decision, rather than an accidental one made on the basis of combining two different designs.

For those who do prefer a contoured wedding band, there are a few important considerations. The first is to be aware that an engagement ring and contoured wedding band will often slip out of alignment, the engagement ring remaining in place while the wedding band spins. This works great for some people, while others are bothered by it.

Those in the latter camp may consider soldering the engagement ring to the wedding band, in order to keep the rings aligned. Of course, you cannot follow this path if you want the option of wearing your rings independently. Leaving a flashy or delicate engagement ring at home can be useful in a variety of situations, including at the gym or while traveling. If you keep the wedding band separate, you will be able to wear it even if wearing your engagement ring is not appropriate to the circumstances.

The Other Wedding Band

Straight or contoured? Soldered or free spinning? The person who is not wearing the engagement ring is free from such considerations when selecting his or her wedding band. Indeed, some couples choose not to match this standalone band to the rest of the wedding set at all. The other end of the “matching spectrum” is just as well-populated, though—for some couples, having perfectly matching wedding bands is the whole point of wedding bands!

These couples should consider their wedding set as such from the very beginning, selecting the engagement ring with a view to matching wedding bands. We at Krikawa are experts in creating sets like this, so let us know if you’re a full-on “matcher” and we can point you towards styles that work this way—styles in which an engagement ring is matched by its wedding band, which is in turn matched by the partner’s wedding band.
dragonfly wedding bands
Of course, tying the standalone band into the rest of the wedding set hardly needs to be a binary choice; many couples want to maintain thematic unity throughout their set, while wearing different designs. Our Delicate Leaf wedding set is a great example of a suite like this. The wedding band that accompanies the engagement ring is more feminine, with its delicate use of negative space, while the standalone wedding band has a more solid, masculine appeal. The motifs are the same, but the realizations are distinct.

Whether you prefer your wedding bands to match perfectly, or merely to reflect each other’s designs, the choice is entirely down to the aesthetic preferences of yourself and your partner. Equally, a contoured wedding band is the right choice for some, while a straight one will be best for others. As a symbol of your commitment, your wedding bands form a foundation that supports your engagement ring. Choosing the right wedding bands is as personal as it gets, and making that choice can feel overwhelming. Your design consultant at Krikawa will help you understand which choices are right for you, and which designs best suit those choices. Before long, your wedding bands will go from concept, to reality, to on your hand on the happiest day of your life! Look Around


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